Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse – Book Illustration

Commissioned for cover and internal book illustrations. Refineed colors have been done by Johnny Atomic. Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse – Book Illustration Through Jonny Atomic Studios.

Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse - Book Illustration
Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse – Book Illustration Through Jonny Atomic Studios
Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse - Book Illustration
Based colors – Final Colors refined by Jonny Atomic Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse – Book Illustration Through Jonny Atomic Studios
Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse - Sketch
Raw Illustration Choose Your Doom! Zombie Apocalypse – Book Illustration Through Jonny Atomic Studios

Cover has been retired since. Link to new book cover below.